Wake up and smell…

Hey y’all.

The past week or so has been pretty hectic and disruptive to my “normal” way of life.

Things are starting to settle back into their pattern – at least until I interrupt it again – hopefully this time by choice.

Right before I left my last job (and my last country! 🙂 ), my pals from the office chipped in together and got me a lovely little Moka Express and a starter stash of some great coffee grounds from the Coffee Mill on Emek.

I’m not the world’s heaviest coffee drinker – in fact weeks can go by without me getting a ‘fix’, but when the occasion strikes, it’s nice to have good coffee to drink.

So tonight was the first time I unpackaged the Moka Express, loaded it with delicious-smelling Irish Cream coffee, and set the little device on the stove.

Within about 3 minutes, the entire thing was done. Delicious! I just have to figure out if I can pre-mix any sweetener into the device and have a simple, one-step coffee maker – better than any percolator or mix or whatever I’ve had until now.

So if you get a chance, and you like coffee, try a cup from one of these nifty little thingies. It’s quite a refreshing reminder that coffee can be better than good – it can be great!

So here’s a shout out to Shai, Aviad, Ruth, Dario and anyone else I’ve forgotten to list here. Thanks for reminding me that simple things can be really great.