How Do You Let The Cat Out of the Bag?

On what has now become to be known as Star Wars Day, I thought it prudent to write about A New Hope, Mike-style.

A few weeks ago, I took a step in life that is a bit different from everything I’ve ever done before.
I know I’m likely to get questions about it, so I figured I would attempt to preemptively answer here.

I’ve left Datadog, a company I hold close and dear to my heart.

I started working as a consultant for Datadog in 2011 with some co-workers from a earlier position, and joined full-time in 2013. For the past 3 years, I’ve pretty much eaten, dreamt, lived Datadog. It’s been an amazing ride.

Having the fortune to work with some of the smartest minds in the business, I was able to help build what I believe to be the best product in the marketplace of application and systems monitoring.

I still believe in the mission of building the best damn monitoring platform in the world, and have complete faith that the Datadog crew are up to the task.

Q: Were you let go?
A: No, I left of my own free will and accord.

Q: Why would you leave such a great place to work?
A: Well, 3 years (5 if you count the preliminary work) is a reasonable amount of time in today’s fast-paced market.
Over the course of my tenure, I learned a great many things, positively affected the lives of many, and grew in a direction that doesn’t exactly map to the current company’s vision for me.
There is likely a heavy dose of burnout in the mix as well.
Instead of letting it grow and fester until some sour outcome, I found it best to part ways as friends, knowing that we will definitely meet again, in some other capacity.
Taking a break to do some travel, focus on some non-work life goals for a short time felt like the right thing.

Q: Did some other company lure you away?
A: While I am lucky to receive a large amount of unsolicited recruiter email, I have not been hired by anyone else, rather choosing to take some time off to reflect on the past 20 years of my career, and figure out what it is that I want to try next.
I’m also trying a 30-day fitness challenge, something that has been consistently de-prioritized, in attempt to get a handle on my fitness, before jumping headfirst into the next life challenge, so recruiters – you will totally gain brownie points by not contacting me before June 4th.

Q: Are you considering leaving New York City?
A: A most emphatic No. I’ve lived in a couple of places in California, Austin TX, many locations in Israel, and now NYC. I really like the feel of this city.

Q: What about any Open Source you worked on?
A: Before I started at Datadog, and during my employment, I was lucky enough to have times when I was able to work on Open Source software, and will continue to do so as it interests me. It has never paid the bills, rather providing an interesting set of puzzles and challenges to solve.
If there’s a project that interests you and you’d like to help contribute to, please let me know!

Q: What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
A: That’s a hard one. I really like chocolate, and am pretty partial to Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food – it’s pretty awesome.

Q: What about a question that you didn’t answer here?
A: I’m pretty much available over all social channels – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – and good ol’ email and phone.
I respond selectively, so please understand that if you don’t hear back for a bit, or at all.
If it’s a really good question that might fit here, I might update the post.

TL; DR: I’m excited about taking a break from work for a bit, and enjoying some lazy summer days. Let’s drink a glass of wine sometime, and May the Fourth Be With You!

I just finished watching my DVR’ed episode of the Battlestar Galactica two hour finale.

To those of you who watch the show regularly, this will not come as a surprise.

This episodic saga is quite the amazing drama, which kind of happens to take place in space. But that fact doesn’t make it purely a geek show, it is much much more.

For those uninitiated, it follows the lives of a bunch of people – some closer than others – put into extraordinary situations and forced to deal with scenarios that, while seem to be highly unlikely and sometimes unfathomable, somehow shows us a glimpse into something that no matter how far out, in a a galaxy far far away, touches you.

Call me crazy, and I’m sure some do, this is a series that I think most people can enjoy – whether or not they like Sci Fi genre stuff – it’s an amazing story about people, and how they relate to other people.

The finale had moment in which I laughed out loud, and others where I actually teared up, and really felt for the characters and their predicaments.

All in all, if you’ve had any reservations on watching this show due to its geekiness, try to put those aside for a minute and give it a chance to lure you in and learn to love them all.