The News Bulletin

Hi y’all.

I know I was going to complete the history lesson, but things have been a little delayed, and events have begun to unfold.

Here’s the low-down:

  1. I have a new job in New York City – in the DUMBO neighborhood to be a little more precise.
  2. I will be moving to Manhattan in about two weeks – June 2nd or so.
  3. Most of my computer-related items are being claimed by Yehuda, but if you know of something specific that you want, let me know.
  4. I am planning a going-away party on Thursday, May 31st, in the evening, and an eVite will be sent out at some point. If you don’t get the eVite by may 27th, drop me an email/comment and I’ll send it to you.
  5. I am selling off my closed alcohol bottles – another post will detail what is up for grabs. The open bottles will hopefully be consumed during the party.

So there’s oodles and oodles more to go on about, but I don’t have the time right now.

Suffice it to say – go see “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” if you can. It came highly recommended, and was worth it. 🙂

Discount price? No problem.

So today I was out and about in Manhattan, and I met with the guy that sent me out on the quick fix-it job last week in Brooklyn.
He thinks that there is definitely something to develop with me and him. I am guessing that he is looking to finally start structuring the business part of his company and letting someone else deal with the day-to-day client/project/tech team management. We’ll see what develops, as tomorrow I’m meeting with some of his team at a client’s site to discuss some strategy.

After that, I moseyed on around and got lost at Penn Station looking on how to Continue reading Discount price? No problem.

Slight break from history lesson

So I’m taking a break from my history recap for a few quick updates.

To start off, I’m in Manhattan, new York City, new York, USA. Wow.

I flew out here on Tuesday, and it was a long day of flying. I was awake for almost 24 hours
At my stopover in London’s Heathrow, I picked up a laptop charger/adapter that allowed me to connect my laptop to the airplane I was flying in – and that kept me going for a good few hours.

Once we landed, I breezed through passport control and customs, and my uncle picked me up and drove me into Manhattan, where we did some basic food shopping and then got me into the apartment.

The next morning, Wednesday, after a fitful night of sleep, I had my first Continue reading Slight break from history lesson

Forgive me, blog, for I have sinned…

… it has been over a month since my last post.

It’s been a busy time period, lots of things have been happening, and I’m still catching my breath. So now I’m finally writing this post to put it all out there.

So some of you may know, and others may not, that I am looking for a new job.

This is mainly due to the fact that the company I work for has brought in someone to replace me, an “IT Manager”, someone is supposedly to have a much wider range of experience than myself, in order to take the reins.

Personally, I’m not impressed by the choice.

Anyways, I’ve broadened my search parameters to pretty much anywhere in the world, specifically Manhattan or elsewhere in new York City (where this post is being written right now).
Unfortunately, the job market in and around Jerusalem is pretty weak, so any decent job would be in the Gush Dan area, and require a massive commute and/or moving closer to Gush Dan. I’m not happy about moving to another city that is not Jerusalem, as I’ve loved and lived this city for quite a long time now, and am VERY reluctant to leave.

Rationale: If I have to get up and move, I might as well make it a big move that improves some other aspects – better financial situation, better work environment, and less day-to-day crap that is the people in the public eye in this country.

Some history:
I came to Israel in 1988, in the middle of the First Intifada. Not the best environs for raising kids, but my parents believed then (and probably still do) that Israel is the place for Jews on Earth, as handed down by the Lord to Abraham, etc etc.
We lived in an Absorption Center close to Jerusalem for seven months, and I commuted to school in Jerusalem, and then back to after-school tutoring, and finally made it home “under the cover of darkness”.
We then moved to Har Nof, an ultra-orthodox neighborhood with the “suburbs” of Jerusalem, and along came the Gulf War. Just a personal timeline – my Bar Mitzva was a few days before the start of the war, my eldest sister’s wedding was pretty much the day after it ended. Thanks, George Bush, Sr. I will forever associate two important dates in my life with a war.

Continue reading Forgive me, blog, for I have sinned…