Fast and Furious Monitoring

In the past few weeks, I’ve been working with a company that is using ScoutApp‘s hosted monitoring service, which provides a nice interface to quickly get up and running with a lot of basic information about a system.

This SaaS solution, while a paid service, allows a team to get their monitoring metrics put into place in the fastest turnaround time to get moving, while allowing to scale financially at a rate of ~$10/server/month.

Getting up and running is as simple as signing up for their risk-free 30-day trial, logging in to their interface, and following some simple instructions on installing their RubyGem plugin, aptly named scout, like so:

gem install scout

Obviously, needs Ruby installed, which is pretty common in web development these days.

Executing the scout executable will then prompt you for a GUID, provided from the web interface when “Adding a new system”, which tests connectivity to the ScoutApp service, and “checks in”.

Once the new system is added, the scout gem needs to be executed once a minute to check in with the server end, so this is typically achieved by placing an entry in the crontab, and again, the instructions are provided in the most convenient location on the command line, with variations for your system.

Once installed in crontab, it’s pretty much “fire-and-forget” – which is probably the best feature available in any system.

Heading back to the web interface, you’ll see the system details, and the real advantage of the ScoutApp system – the plugins.

Each system starts with a bunch of the basics – server load, memory profiling, disk space. Great! 90% of problems manifest in variations in these metrics, so getting them on the board from the get-go is great.

The Plugin Directory has a bunch of very commonly used applications that are used in the FLOSS stacks very popular amongst web development, so you can readily add a plugin of choice to immediately to the applicable server – so adding a monitor to check your MySQL instance for slow queries is simply choosing the plugin, and the plugin actually tells you what you need to do to make it work – like changing a config file.

Once those pieces are in place, monitoring just keeps working. Plugins typically have some default triggers and alerts, based on “what makes sense” for that plugin.

There’s currently 49 public plugins, which cover a wide range of services, applications, and monitoring methodologies, like checking a JMX counter and watching a log file for a condition you specify.

Extending functionality is pretty easy, as I found out firsthand. Beyond having a succinct plugin development guide, the support team are very helpful, as well as all of the plugins are available in open source on GitHub.

Plugins are written in Ruby – also a popular language in the tech arena these days.

Since one of the many services in our software stack is Apache Zookeeper, and there was no plugin for this service, I set out to write my own, to accomplish:

  1. Get the state of a Zookeeper instance monitored (service up, some counters/metrics)
  2. Learn some Ruby
  3. Give back

I wrote the basics of a plugin, and testing it locally on a Zookeeper instance with Scout proved to be a very fast turnaround, getting results with a day, and then thinking more about how I was doing it, and refactoring, and testing, and refactoring again.

I forked the ScoutApp GitHub repo, added my code, and issued a Pull Request, so they would take my code and incorporate it back into their Plugin Directory.

Lo and behold! It’s included, and anyone running both ScoutApp and using Zookeeper can simply add the plugin and get instant monitoring.

Here’s a screent capture of my plugin running, collecting details, and keeping us safe:

ScoutApp: Zookeeper

I encourage you to check it out, especially if you don’t have a monitoring solution, are starting a new project and have a few servers, or are looking for something else.

Verizon Web Site fail.

Need I say more?

General Info
Chat start time  Aug 3, 2011 9:44:43 PM EST
Chat end time  Aug 3, 2011 10:37:08 PM EST
Duration (actual chatting time)  00:52:25
Operator  Amber


Chat Transcript
info: Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order.  Thank you for your patience.
info: You are now chatting with ‘Amber’
Amber: Hello. Thank you for visiting our chat service.  May I help you with your order today?
Mike: yes, please
Amber: How may I?
Mike: I am curious to know about the mifi mobile hotspot
Amber: I would love to help!
Amber: It’s just like the WiFi signal you would have at your home or at like McDonalds!
Mike: cool. 
Mike: What is the monthly charge?
Amber: Totally!
Amber: We have a couple options. Let’s get the device in your cart to see the options in your specific area!
Mike: which one would be better, the mifi or the samsung?
Amber: Their the same thing, but different makers.
Mike: I understand that the mifi can’t charge via usb and be a hotspot at the same time
Amber: It can. It can. You can use it as both USB and WiFi. You can also charge it via USB or via the home charger.
Mike: that’s contrary to what I am reading online
Amber: Where are you reading it?
Mike: comparison reviews
Mike: “Unfortunately, you can’t charge the 4510L over a USB connection to a notebook and broadcast a Wi-Fi signal at the same time like you can with the Samsung SCH-LC11 “
Mike: the review was in May of this year
Amber: Reviews aren’t always right.
Amber: Most the time their wrong.
Mike: That’s not entirely true.
Amber: That is unfortunately true. Most people who do reviews are usually the people who don’t know how to use the device or have had issues. All the devices have a 2% chance of having an issue. Tvs, microwaves and cars have more of a chance of a manufacturer’s defect.
Mike: interesting.
Mike: ok, let’s proceed.
Amber: Ok. Do you have the device in your cart?
Mike: trying to add
Amber: If you click on the name of it, you should have an add to cart button.
Mike: why would I want text messaging for this device?
Mike: I am required to select a text messaging pay as you go plan for this device
Amber: It’s a just in case. It will have a phone number.
Amber: Pay as you go would be the best option.
Mike: it’s the ONLY option.
Amber: There used to be a 5 dollar option.
Mike: and the shopping keeps crashing my browser
Amber: I’m sorry, they changed things recently. I’m sorry that it keeps crashing. What error do you get?
Mike: it kills the browser window – and a hard crash
Mike: I’m trying a different browser
Amber: Strange.
Mike: it’s almost impossible to buy this online
Mike: “The selection you made is unavailable at this time”
Amber: That’s a bad error. We’ve been having some issues today. May I have your phone number to report this issue?
Amber: Thank you.
Mike: I even tried selecting the 10gb option – same message
Amber: I know if you keep trying it eventually works.
Mike: this is not very inspiring
Mike: I don’t feel like I’m going to “Rule the Air” – rather limp along and beg
Amber: I’m sorry! Their fixing things.
Amber: It will be better when it comes to the device. It’s the website that’s having issues and being fixed.
Mike: how do I put faith in a device provided by a network that can’t let me purchase it on their own website?
Amber: We haven’t had issues like this in a very long time. Every website has issues. It is not a reflection on our devices or our services. If say Facebook is down, and that happends a good amount of time because of the growth of it’s accounts, you’re not going to delete your Facebook account are you?
Mike: Facebook has never been down – that’s their priority, because that is what they provide.
Mike: I’m a systems engineer – my job is to make sure sites never go down.
Amber: I apologize, that is incorrect. I am a Facebook user and the site has been down.
Amber: But we’re not here to discuss websites, we’re here to order you the HotSpot.
Mike: This is what facebook provides when they have an outage:
Mike: Where’s the Verizon note/blog post on why 
Mike: I can’t buy a device?
Amber: And with the phone number you have provided I have reported it. It’s also known and being worked on. We have fixed the main problems and now we’re continuing to fix other issues. Earlier no one could log into MyVerizon. That was a priority. And I apologize but we do not post on blogs about the site issues because that is internal work. You can buy a device, patience is needed for this process tonight. I’m sorry!
Mike: Well, I’m trying repetitively. It’s still failing.
Amber: It will work. I know it will.
Mike: I am literally on another vendor’s site right now, to see their competitive options
Amber: When you buy from third party companies they make you sign their own terms and conditions. That can effect you from return policies, to changing plans to early termination fees. Also feature changes and what phones you’re able to get.
Mike: of course it does. that’s absolutely no different than what Verizon provides
Mike: “Third Party” – they are a vendor, just like you.
Amber: I’m sorry that is incorrect.
Mike: how are you not a vendor?
Mike: how is anyone else not a vendor?
Amber: We are a vendor. But we are direct. Not third party.
Mike: Direct? Third Party? Direct to whom? Third party of whom?
Amber: Verizon Wireless lets other companied to sell our products and services. They do have the right to change most options. If you go to a direct Verizon store or that is Verizon selling Verizon products. If you buy from say WireFly or BestBuy they are selling our products.
Mike: ah yes – but I’m not looking at a device to connect to verizon – rather an entire other network.
Mike: a competitor, not a third party distributor of your products
Amber: Oh. I understand your wording choice now. I’m sorry. The reason their plans are less, is they have a lower coverage quality and area. We have a huge service area and we have the fastest coverage area as well with 3G. We’re working on getting 10X faster in all places with 4G soon!
Mike: I choose my words with care. while that may or may not be the case – depending on whose marketing team you choose to believe – they are still allowing me to purchase their product online.
Amber: They are not currently having issues as far as I know. And I don’t use their services whom ever they are so I wouldn’t know personally if they do have issues ever. This conversation isn’t going in any direction. And I apologize for that. Would you like to get one of our devices?
Mike: I am absolutely trying to get one of your devices. 
Mike: that’s the entire purpose of this conversation.
Mike: and it should not be this difficult.
Amber: Let’s try deleting your cookies, that may help it.
Mike: sure thing.
Amber: Thank you. Please tell me when you have finished that.
Mike: cookies are gone
Mike: signing back into myverizon
Mike: fail.
Mike: again.
Mike: ah well.
Amber: Please try.
Mike: “The selection you made is unavailable at this time Browse one of the options below to choose a different plan or phone, or call (800) 2-JOIN-IN for assistance.”
Mike: nope.
Mike: well, I guess this makes my decision pretty easy, doesn’t it.
Amber: It may be easier and less frustrating for you to call customer service. The phone number to customer service is1-800-922-0204 and hours of operation are 6AM- 11PM EST. Also you can contact them via *611 from your handset. You may also call 1-800-2 JOIN IN
Mike: I thought this was customer service.
Mike: I must be mistaken.
Amber: There is over the phone sales, 1-800-2 JOIN IN and there is customer service 1-800-922-0204 or *611 from your Verizon cell phone.
Mike: Yes, I see what their number are. But the failure to provide service via methods clearly advertised is not very inspiring.
Mike: I’m curious – how many service calls are dealing with failed purchases?
Amber: I’m not sure. Also I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Mike: No, that’s it. I only wanted to order a mobile hotspot, commit to a two year contract and give you more of my money.
Mike: But I can’t do that.
Amber: I wish I could fix the website for you. Though I’m unable to do so. Thank you for chatting with Verizon Wireless online sales. Have a great evening!