Cold and wet isn’t all that bad

So some of you might remember that I have done some secret IE missions here in NYC.

It’s always a ton of fun joining a bunch of people to do something a little odd.

This time, we congregated in the Brooklyn Bridge and took pictures of the Manhattan Bridge. In the rain. And cold rain.

There were tons of us – about 700 – and we lined the bridge. I came early to the meetup location, and randomly met Matt, who had ridden in from CT on the train and needed somewhere to dump his travel bag. I offered my place, with a provided his bag wouldn’t tick or something like that.

We headed back to the meeting spot a few blocks away, and join a huge group of people, hear the instructions, and head across the bridge. In the meantime, we find Matt’s lady – Autumn – and we all set across the bridge and find a spot about in the middle to stand.

And wait.

And wait.

It seem that it took a little too long to get a large crowd organized, and then even longer to get the event rolling.

IE BrooklynBridge

Some people left, as it was, after all, cold and raining.

But the effect itself was pretty cool, once it happened, and gave us a lot of cool pictures to show the world.

I stuck with my newfound pals, and we had a lot of fun talking and playing in the line, arguing with someone else whether Pi is a real number (or just not a whole number).

After taking a bunch of pictures, we all headed over to the Beekman Pub, where we had some drinks, and I regaled my captive couple with my (newfound) knowledge of NYC. I felt like a “real New Yorker”.

We split from there to Two Gold Street for food and more drinks, and then after that ended up in my beloved Fresh Salt, where we played a resounding few rounds of Apples to Apples with th bartender and two other patrons.

All in all, lot of drinks, good company and shared experiences make it all worthwhile.

The IE event page is here – there’s even a short video. See if you can find me (hint: I’m in the first 30 seconds!)

To jump, or not to jump?

Today I was waiting for the train, and some young guys were tossing a football, back and forth.

At some point, one must have dropped it, as it bounced off the floor, on to the track below.

They seemed to deliberate jumping down there to retrieve the ball, and I had a shutter waiting to catch that, but they must have thought the better of it.

When would you risk jumping down there? Other than the obvious, you know, screaming baby and such. What would drive you to taking that kind of risk?

Monitor this.

A while back, we began investigating centralized monitoring tools for multiple systems, cross-platform, alerting, etc.

One contender was a package from MS, and a few others were tossed in the ring.

We did a proper match-up (or shootout, as I prefer) and tested a couple of candidates. While the all-inclusive MS offering is probably the best-functioning one, the cost is too prohibitive for a monitoring tool – about $1500/host monitored.

The extensivity and ease of use is uncomparable, but cost being a factor, we looked at another popular solution – Nagios.

Open source, modifiable – or should I say – Build Your Own – as it comes wth some basic egine concepts,a nd then you pretty much have to build every single monitor you want to look at.

The result is a more targeted monitoring solution, inasmuch it does exactly what you set it out to do – but absolutely no more.

The comparison showed this past week when I got an alert from my test MS instance about a SQL job running too long, something that I would have had to create some code, adapt it to monitor that specific job, and hope it could deal with exceptions I hadn’t thought of.

That’s a difference between a specialist in a particular field (i.e. DBA, mail admin, etc) and the overall concept of a systems administrator – sometimes a jack-of-all trades.

The MS offering is combined of “Management Packs” that are written by the developers of the systems that are being monitored – i.e. Exchange developers write the monitors for exchange and so on, whereas in Nagios monitoring world, you are expected to be able to figure out all of your own monitors/thresholds, etc.

I guess it makes it a little more interesting in the long run, as building something from scratch allows you the familiarity of knowing the ins-and-outs of the systems, but it’s time consuming and the returns are not as immediately apparent.

But it’s affordable. And we’ve got the techie know how to do it. So we do it.

If any readers have used Nagios, are interested in it, have advice, want advice, want to see what the color blue tastes like, let me know.

Who said that Granny Smith isn’t a good Apple?

Some of you may know that I don’t hold much love for Apple’s operating system.

It feels so clunky compared to my Windows-fu knowledge, and the change from one to the other is not at all simple.  I’d rather use Ubuntu, to be honest.

But here’s my current beef with Mac OSX – my machine is bound to Active Directory (in a corporate environment, they ALL  should!) and as any good computer, looks for a Domain Controller after a reboot, to check your login credentials, apply any scripts, etc

If it’s a mobile machine, typically you’ve set it up as a “mobile user account”, meaning that the machine is to cache your credentials, and in the absence of a DC, check the local cache and allow you to log in.

However, whenever MINE reboots, it takes about half an hour delay to log in, and there’s no progress, cancel, notification, etc as to WTF is it doing. Eventually, it might let me in. But in the meantime, time is a-wasting.

I finally got fed up enough to really research this, and it seems that there’s a way to fix it manually (in what all OSX users will deny vehemently is NOT a Registry!)  by modifying the values to a few keys, to reduce the timeout wait. But you can only do that once you’ve logged on.

So I’m stuck using another machine until mine logs me in and lets me change it. What a waste of time.

Windows will time out within a minute and let you know why.

Grumble. grumble, grumble.

He’s back, and he’s bad.

It’s been a couple of weeks since I left for my visit home, and while I have to complete my full vacation post (and it’ll be a long one), suffice to say that I am still alive, despite random attempts to change that, and had a great time.

Jet lag is annoying, and I think I’ve finally kicked it, and I started my 201 improv class – it’s gonna be great.

Back in New York City, I am happy to report that it’s still on the map, and hasn’t scurried off and hidden under the grandfather clock in the foyer in my absence.