Walking in the shower

This is going to sound pretty strange.

I was in the shower, and I thought to myself, how cool it would be to just walk around and explore the city.
I’ve been in and out of this city for many years now, and I’ve never taken the time to actually walk the length and breadth of it.

I’d also like to expand my travels to walking to other cities, if at all possible.

Anyone else fancy a walk?

Another week, come and gone…

Well, there went another week.

I’ve seen so many different job placement agencies this past week, it’s depressing. I HAVE to get a job!

I’ve updated my resume on Monster.com’s website, and I’m currently searching for a job in Ney York City. Yes, I’d hate to leave, but the options here are not appealing.

I figure with me being unemployed now, and tons of time on my hands, I’ll go and get my eyes fixed, FINALLY! I’m really edgy about calling a doc, and getting the ball rolling, it’s not a simple thing. I need corrective aggressive surgey, and that freaks the hell out of me. I have to call Sunday, or else I’ll never call.

Sitting in front of a huge screen all hours of the day doesn’t help either.

Yesterday, there was a massive dirt storm in Jerusalem, and I’m sure in other places in the country, and there was some rain, so it rained mud. Ick. I walked ALL over the city, and traversed over 15km in about 2 hours. It was nice, to some extent.

I have to get into shape, loosen up and lose some weight. It’s getting to be an annoyance. So, I’ll probably be doing tons of stretching excersises and sit-ups, and spending a couple of hours on the roof every day to grab a tan.

Hopefully next time anyone sees me, I’ll have changed a bit.

Mike, the international man of disguisey. What a concept.

I’m heading out to my folks for the weekend, where I’ll be cut off from the world (haredim!).



Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score
Category Your Score Average
Hacklust 60.38%
Enjoys the occasional head-lopping
Sensitive Roleplaying 77.22%
Will talk after everyone important’s been killed
GM Experience 92.75%
“Um… You guys are in a 10’x10′ room…”
Systems Knowledge 94.92%
Played in a couple of campaigns
Livin’ La Vida Dorka 74.71%
Goes nuts on the weekends
You are 81.97% pure
Average Score: 67.2%

Thanks, kmelion.

Strike out, again and again…

What a crappy day.

It started out when I woke up.

That in and of itself was a GOOD thing, but it all went downhill since then.

There was a Job and Study Fair in Binyanei Ha’uma today. I received an invitation in the mail, and I thought it’d be a great opportunity to get my resume out there and find a job.

‘Twas not to be.

It was a fair for all the different education facilities in the country and there were NO headhunters there. 🙁 I spent 15 minutes walking around until I was thoroughly bored, then headed downtown. I figured, well, I’ve got these resumes here, let’s use them!

I walked into five different personnel placement agencies, filled out their forms, and had a few minutes to speak with their interview people. Nobody has anything in this smegging city.

The consternation of being unemployed is getting to me. The same thing happened just a year and a half ago, when I was unemployed for six months. I got so bad my roomate eventually ordered me to get out of the house and get a damn job, already! (He ended up getting me one at the same place he was working. If you’ve been following, it’s out of business now.)

One good thing came of that time, something I’d rather not repeat: I had so much time on my hands, I taught myself to use devilstix, and got quite good with them. Hey, I’m only human. I need some kind of activity, too. Maybe I’ll take up going to the gym class I used to do and get back into shape, even though round is also a shape!

Th-th-th-at’s all for now folks!


It’s late Tuesday night, and I feel like I’ve been neglecting the world.


I am now unemployed, almost a month now, as the company I was working for closed down (another one? waugh!).
I’ve been spending this time relaxing, looking for another job, checking out some leads, and hell, I even called someone I met in NYC to see if he had any leads there for me to pursue. Unfortunately not.

I’ve been practicing a bit of juggling, and more poi moves that I’ve learned, as I’m sick and tired of burning myself.

I got an AstroJax http://www.astrojax.com the other day in the mail, and I’m practicing avidly with it, in hopes of mastering the art of counter-gravity. It’s not as easy as it looks. I’ve already bruised myself a couple of times.

Anyways, tomorrow I’m headed to a Job Fair, here in J-Town, in pursuit of employment and CASH.
