The beat keeps moving on.

As I sit here in another airport waiting area, I again realize the futility of airport security.

The entire TSA was probably created to give people jobs and create a semblance of security.

This time, I got into the line at LAX – United that had the scary body scanner.
I stood in two blue rectangles and placed my hands above my head, not unlike a prisoner, about to be shackled and tortured. In defiance, I stuck my tongue out during this process.

After I got through, thinking I was in the clear, the TSA dude tells me that he has to pat me down anyway. WTF. Sigh.

And then he “handles” me.

I feel so secure right now. Ugh.

Thanks, but no thanks, Verizon!

I guess Verizon think they know what’s best for me.

Recently got a nice little Verizon USB 760 Modem from work, not a new concept for me, just something to keep in touch while on the go.

Unfortunately, the Verizon Access Manager software most decidedly does NOT install correctly on my Mac. Instead, it tells me I’m not an administrator. Feels a lot like trying to install software on Windows Vista.

See the failure, how pretty it is...

Continue reading Thanks, but no thanks, Verizon!

You call this security? You’ve got to be kidding me

I just got off the phone with PayPal’s customer service department.

The reason I was on the phone in the first place – because you probably know how much I absolutely love talking to customer service representatives – is that I was trying to be a good Netizen.

I received a couple – not one – of emails originating from Paypal’s service for password resets. This is not a foreign thing, especially for someone that has his email address all over the web. It’s usually some scripting hacker trying to get access to my stuff.

The problem is that at the bottom of the email, there is this section: Continue reading You call this security? You’ve got to be kidding me