Bring back the noise!

So I think that ever since I branched off to my own site, my great friends of the LJ community have not been as responsive to any of my posts as they might have been in the past.

This is probably due to the fact that being on an external site engine, it’s a little more difficult to “point, click and comment” on a given post.

To increase the ease of using my site, I have now incorporated a plugin that allows the use of any OpenID user to comment with a little less hassle.

Once you’ve used your Continue reading Bring back the noise!

I did break something!

So it turns out that I did do something, although I’m not sure what.

I was having theme troubles, and it wouldn’t display properly – sometimes yes, sometimes no… So I killed all the plugins and themes – and started fresh.

Reset the plugins properly, and added a few more. A cute one is the Snap Preview Anywhere plugin – hover over the link and see what this plugin does.

I also want to take a moment to mention Continue reading I did break something!

I think I broke something.

So it seems that I might have broken something when playing around with the design of my blog, and I think it’s related to the theme I used.

So this is an alternate theme, and I am currently open to suggestions on anything and everything, so drop me a line with your favorite style, idea or just a BOOYA!

So I hope your eyes can handle the theme for now, and we should be back to our regulalry scheduled programming… err… site view as soon as I get it sorted out.

Fun with XHTML, CSS and much, much more!

So I’ve upgraded the blog to WP 2.1, and that came with it’s own set of headaches and incompatibilities.

Some of you may have seen the site when it was stuck with an alternate theme for a bit, but it’s OK now, Timmy. Everything’s going to be just fine. Just calm down, and put down the meat cleaver, and we’ll all talk about what to do when open source software that you use absoluetly free of charge stops working, and you want results NOW NOW NOW…..

So I spent some time snooping around and getting updates, and reading more and more on what’s going on and how things can be done, and it seems that anyone with about an hour on their hands could do this too.

But I bet none of them could do the heavy digging into code on their own, like I do.

So there.

Oh, and yeah – I’ve updated my Blog Tech page with all the links and versions of what I’m using.